General question - any language

This area is dedicated to our foreign guests of this forum. Contributions can be written in any language.
[Diese Kategorie ist den ausländischen Gästen dieses Forums gewidmet. Beiträge können in beliebiger Sprache verfasst werden.]
Jan Bochmann
Beiträge: 2205
Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25

General question - any language

Beitrag von Jan Bochmann »


Is there a common language where the days of week are abbreviated by more than 3 letters?


English - 3 letters: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun

German - 2 letters: Mo-Di-Mi-Do-Fr-Sa-So

I remember Estonian or Latvian use 1 letter only... happy country.

But the question is, is there a language that needs more than 3 letters?

Jan B.
Beiträge: 58
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. Mai 2005, 16:10
Wohnort: Tirphil, Wales

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von DW »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Is there a common language where the days of week are abbreviated by more than 3 letters? </tr></td></table>I can't think of one. Welsh needs only two, Ll-Ma-Me-Ia-Gw-Sa-Su. Hebrew does not name them, it just gives them numbers. Russian needs two, but I don't have the font. Polish needs two, Po-Wt-Sr-Cz-Pi-So-Ni. Latvian needs three, Pir-Otr-Tre-Ce-Pie-Ses-Sve. Norwegian needs two, Ma-Ti-On-To-Fr-Le-Se.

Of course, English only needs two, Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr-Sa-Su; the use of three is custom, not need. We do the same in Welsh and actually use Llu-Maw-Mer-Iau-Gwe-Sad-Sul.
Beiträge: 228
Registriert: Montag 8. Dezember 2003, 20:50
Wohnort: Zwolle (NL)

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Bastiaan »

The Dutch also use only 2 letters: Ma-Di-Wo-Do-Vr-Za-Zo.
Niederländische Grafiken für BAHN -- Jetzt nicht mehr auf DutchBahn, aber auf!

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Gast »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Latvian needs three, Pir-Otr-Tre-Ce-Pie-Ses-Sve. </tr></td></table>




Jan Bochmann
Beiträge: 2205
Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Jan Bochmann »

Thanks for all answers.

Jan B.

"Mon:7:00-Fri:19:00" and "Mon-Fri:7:00-19:00" is not the same thing...

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Gast »

I'm sorry, but i didn't get the one with ""Mon:7:00-Fri:19:00" and "Mon-Fri:7:00-19:00" is not the same thing..."

What do you mean??
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1869
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">I'm sorry, but i didn't get the one with ""Mon:7:00-Fri:19:00" and "Mon-Fri:7:00-19:00" is not the same thing..."

What do you mean??</tr></td></table>
"Mon:7:00-Fri:19:00" means Monday, 7:00 until Friday, 19:00

"Mon-Fri:7:00-19:00" means every Monday until Friday, 7:00-19:00, i.e. Monday 7:00-19:00, Tuesday 7:00-19:00, Wednesday 7:00-19:00, Thursday 7:00-19:00, Friday 7:00-19:00

(If I got it right.)
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 164
Registriert: Mittwoch 20. Oktober 2004, 08:11
Wohnort: Bern - Schweiz

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von someone »

why this question, jan? are you introducing weekdays options for Bahn? :-)
Beiträge: 746
Registriert: Donnerstag 5. Februar 2004, 21:35

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Maik »

i don't know how many letters are needed to shorten the italian weekdays, but they are called:
lunedi, martedi, mercoledi, giovedi, venerdi, sabato, domenica
i would think they are used this way: L-Ma-Me-G-V-S-D
Chaos sei willkommen, die Ordnung hat versagt.
Jan Bochmann
Beiträge: 2205
Registriert: Sonntag 16. März 2003, 15:25

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Jan Bochmann »


<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
"Mon:7:00-Fri:19:00" means Monday, 7:00 until Friday, 19:00

"Mon-Fri:7:00-19:00" means every Monday until Friday, 7:00-19:00, i.e. Monday 7:00-19:00, Tuesday 7:00-19:00, Wednesday 7:00-19:00, Thursday 7:00-19:00, Friday 7:00-19:00

(If I got it right.)</tr></td></table>

Yes, well. More examples:

Mon:19:00-Fri:7:00 means Monday 19:00 to Friday 7:00

Mon-Fri:19:00-7:00 means every Monday until Friday, for each from 19:00 to 7:00 next day, i.e. over night Mon/Tue to Fri/Sat 7:00

Mon+Thu-Sat:8:00-12:00 means Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday each from 8:00 to 12:00.

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
Why this question, jan? are you introducing weekdays options for Bahn?

It is in preparation.

Jan B.
Beiträge: 164
Registriert: Mittwoch 20. Oktober 2004, 08:11
Wohnort: Bern - Schweiz

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von someone »

Wow, great. This will improve realism level of lots of networks! can't wait until the release.
Rolf R
Beiträge: 2190
Registriert: Donnerstag 20. November 2003, 20:41
Wohnort: Erfurt

Re: General question - any language

Beitrag von Rolf R »

In Portugal they use for days monday to sunday:

segunda-feira, terça-feira, quarta-feira, quinta-feira, sexta-feira, sábado, domingo

short-cuts: seg-ter-qua-qui-sex-sab-dom (I think, that You must use 3 letters for the difference between quarta-feira and quinta-feira [wed - thu])


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