Ideas for the Future

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Markus Klingsiek
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Montag 26. Mai 2003, 22:28
Wohnort: Indienststellung: Minden/Westf, Überstellung nach Wien 2006, Überstellung ins Waldviertel 2014

Re: Ideas for the Future

Beitrag von Markus Klingsiek »

Blöky, i've got a different idea. Wouldn't it be great if you could build transparency like those street symbols designed for decoration (when you type 'A', so not those where buses can go on)? I really would prefer this.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1869
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: Ideas for the Future

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Hello,<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">My new wish is:
Changing transparency of empty square elements in a block.
1. marking the desired area
2. choosing a new menu command "Change transparency on area"
3. setting any value of "No transparent" | "Glass" | "Transparent".</tr></td></table>
I wished for this feature when painting a broad river … [img]icon_biggrin.gif[/img] A “Fill area” function for water would be as useful as for transarency. In the meanwhile we can use the copy&paste function, but it is very slow here.
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Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: Donnerstag 17. November 2005, 22:21

Re: Ideas for the Future

Beitrag von Blöky »

<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center"><tr> <td><span class="genmed">Zitat:</span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote"> street symbols designed for decoration (when you type 'A', so not those where buses can go on)? </tr></td></table>

('A'? Maybe it is in the German version - I use the English one, there it is 'C')

Do you immagine
(1) to replace the function of these symbols to transparent empty symbol?
(2) should these symbols be made transparet/glass?

In both cases the transparecy should be "inherited" after setting the first, so it would be possible to build quickly a transparent line, by inserting the symbols after each other.
Beiträge: 43
Registriert: Mittwoch 16. Mai 2007, 11:30

Re: Ideas for the Future

Beitrag von Ilya »

I've tried to use trolleybus lines for BAHN which have been provided with the new beta. When I tried to cross the four-square-wide street (the street consists of driving way symbols only), I've faced a problem that catenary overlaps only one symbol to the west and one symbol to the east, so my trolleybus line cannot cross this street.

If there is a possibility, I'd like symbols to be able to overlap not one, but two, three... etc. sqares to the east or to the west from where they've been placed.


P.S.I'm sorry, but sometimes my English can be not quite understandable. [img]icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]
Beiträge: 43
Registriert: Mittwoch 16. Mai 2007, 11:30

Re: Ideas for the Future

Beitrag von Ilya »

Another suggestion.

Is it possible to make an option for 'junction/branching' turnout that gives random direction to trains of some routes?

I mean smth like this:

'direction 1'
'direction 2'
'direction 3'
'random direction'

where in the field a route will be entered with probabilities to go direction 1, 2 or 3:

TRAM3 (d1:15, d2:25, d3:60), BUS15 (d1:0, d2:75, d3:25)

(quite similar to entering delay times for bus stops).

Using such an option gives us opportunity to simulate the street traffic!