British stock pack (0.20 10/07/2009)

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Beiträge: 19
Registriert: Montag 31. Oktober 2011, 14:56

Re: British stock pack (0.20 10/07/2009)

Beitrag von fkoeck »

Chris hat geschrieben:Here's the selection of LU trains I have. (The name fits in with the rest of the set.) It doesn't have the DLR, and until this afternoon it didn't have the S stock. You will probably get complaints about one of the sets being empty.
Many thanks!!!
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: Montag 31. Oktober 2011, 14:56

Re: British stock pack (0.20 10/07/2009)

Beitrag von fkoeck »

The easiest starting point is to use the passenger timetables to figure out what trains run where and who runs them, then look on Wikipedia at what rolling stock the operator uses - sometimes this will describe where they're used. Now that we have sites such as Realtime Trains, photographers are now tagging their photos with the train's running ID, so you can pick some samples out and search for photos to see what actually turned up - for instance, search for "1V91 2014" on Flickr tells me that the morning train from Holyhead to Cardiff has an engine and coaches. If you need to know which particular bit of track they run on (the approach to Waterloo is 8-track), the working timetable (or RTT in "advanced" mode) will tell you - "path" is which track it's approaching on and "line" is which track it's leaving on.

Windsor is reached from both sides of the river. Windsor & Eton Central (north) is usually a shuttle from Slough run by a 165. Most of the local services inside Reading will be also - the exception being stations as far as Hayes & Harlington, which are served by the Heathrow Connect 360s. Also operating on that stretch will be the Heathrow Express 332s, 166s on faster services to Oxford and Newbury, 180s up through the Cotswolds to Worcester and the HSTs (two engines with TGS-4xTF-TRBF-2xTF - first class facing London) on long-distance services. Not sure about Windsor & Eton Riverside (south), though since RTT claims theyre timed at 100mph it'll be either 450s or 458s - I see photos of both, though the 458s have been extended and are now in blue, so won't be in the pack yet.
Thanks for information. Timetable and wiki is how I started. An excellent additional information is the hint for the Realtime page. This is really helpful.
Best reagards
Dierk Nüchtern
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Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 16:55
Wohnort: Dortmund

Re: British stock pack (0.20 10/07/2009)

Beitrag von Dierk Nüchtern »

Chris hat geschrieben:Here's the selection of LU trains I have. (The name fits in with the rest of the set.) It doesn't have the DLR, and until this afternoon it didn't have the S stock. You will probably get complaints about one of the sets being empty.

nice to see the other stock of the underground. It looks good, but have you Zoom2-graphics?
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Donnerstag 14. Februar 2013, 18:30

Re: British stock pack (0.20 10/07/2009)

Beitrag von fucza »

Chris: There are some news of British Stock with Zoom 2?