Die Suche ergab 9 Treffer

von Kiwi_Ed
Donnerstag 21. Oktober 2021, 10:28
Forum: Rund um die Wandernetze
Thema: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6
Antworten: 3216
Zugriffe: 1195346

Re: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6

Vielen dank! :dance:
von Kiwi_Ed
Mittwoch 20. Oktober 2021, 10:58
Forum: Rund um die Wandernetze
Thema: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6
Antworten: 3216
Zugriffe: 1195346

Re: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6

Kann ich die Wandernetze herunterladen?

Ich habe das vor Jahren gemacht und die Wandernetze waren immer eine tolle Inspiration für neue Layouts.
von Kiwi_Ed
Dienstag 29. Januar 2019, 12:08
Forum: Rund um die Wandernetze
Thema: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6
Antworten: 3216
Zugriffe: 1195346

Re: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6

Vielen dank! :dance:
von Kiwi_Ed
Dienstag 29. Januar 2019, 10:20
Forum: Rund um die Wandernetze
Thema: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6
Antworten: 3216
Zugriffe: 1195346

Re: WN3 (Regio) Teil 6

Hallo, kann das Wandernetz irgendwo heruntergeladen werden? Ich kann es online nicht mehr finden.

von Kiwi_Ed
Freitag 12. Februar 2016, 11:04
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: multiple destination on Junction Turnout
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 12139

multiple destination on Junction Turnout

Hallo all, I can't seem to figure this one out, so I hope some of you might have the answer.. The new(ish) destinations option add great functionality and ease to setting up routes and shunting. However I am running into a problem: I would like to use destinations on my junction turnouts to guide tr...
von Kiwi_Ed
Mittwoch 10. November 2010, 15:09
Forum: Nutzerdefinierte Grafiken
Thema: ISO-Container - Shipping Container
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 9238

Re: ISO-Container - Shipping Container

Cool, never found that function. I always spend hours searching around layouts looking for that very interesting looking piece of scenery in action... Thanks a lot!
von Kiwi_Ed
Mittwoch 10. November 2010, 12:43
Forum: Nutzerdefinierte Grafiken
Thema: ISO-Container - Shipping Container
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 9238

Re: ISO-Container - Shipping Container

I found them! In Wandernetze 3 - Regio there is a file called portalkran.uz1 that has some shipping containers and a nice looking portal crane. Haven't yet figured out how to put that one together properly. Looked all over the layout, found several container terminals, but no sign of these scenic el...
von Kiwi_Ed
Dienstag 9. November 2010, 22:03
Forum: Nutzerdefinierte Grafiken
Thema: ISO-Container - Shipping Container
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 9238

Re: ISO-Container - Shipping Container

I am using 60/km scale, but that is just so it is easier to calculate distances. As trains are not to scale, I am not bothered to much by the scale of scenic elements. I've downloaded those container trains, but have no idea how to open an fz4 file. Could be that I have the old version of Bahn, so I...
von Kiwi_Ed
Dienstag 9. November 2010, 17:07
Forum: Nutzerdefinierte Grafiken
Thema: ISO-Container - Shipping Container
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 9238

ISO-Container - Shipping Container

I would like to build a container terminal in Bahn, but I haven't found any scenic Shipping Container which I could use to fill the terminal to make it look like a proper terminal. Something like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/Puertobarcelona2.jpg Has anybody ever made some...