Die Suche ergab 26 Treffer

von Pablo
Mittwoch 28. April 2021, 09:34
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Hello everyone. I wanted to come back to the problem of closing the program. I've noticed a strange thing for some time. When I want to enter the "List routes" editing option (Edit or Help/Info), the program closes. There is no problem with other windows (List Destinations, Depots etc.). B...
von Pablo
Samstag 2. Mai 2020, 18:16
Forum: Wünsche und Anregungen
Thema: Verspätung über Statusfenster aus/einblenden
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 17963

Re: Verspätung über Statusfenster aus/einblenden

Guten tag,
Und übrigens. Wäre es möglich, die Farbe des Quadrats zu ändern, das die Station (Zeitpunkt) kennzeichnet, wenn der Stationsname nicht angezeigt wird und es eine Verzögerung gibt (keine Abfahrt)?
von Pablo
Sonntag 19. April 2020, 21:55
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: Overtaking of delayed trains
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 17773

Re: Overtaking of delayed trains

Thank you very much for showing me the example. It wasn't easy, but it worked :)
von Pablo
Sonntag 19. April 2020, 12:38
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: Overtaking of delayed trains
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 17773

Re: Overtaking of delayed trains

Thanks. I found it.
By the way - can you tell me: which means "-" at timing point instead route?
von Pablo
Sonntag 19. April 2020, 11:34
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: Overtaking of delayed trains
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 17773

Re: Overtaking of delayed trains

Could you please give me little part sim where its working? Or where to look for it (in working sim). That should be enough for me to start with.
Thank a lot for helping.

Best Regards.
von Pablo
Sonntag 19. April 2020, 11:21
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Thank you for answer. I know it is strange, but true and very disturbing when the program closes with an error during work... I remembered that I had previously uploaded new files fz1, fz2, fz4 nad fx.... but its not working with b4. When the error showed up I installed but beta5 and worked in it a ...
von Pablo
Sonntag 19. April 2020, 10:25
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: Overtaking of delayed trains
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 17773

Overtaking of delayed trains

Hello, Is possible to made a overtaking of delayed trains as shown in the picture? https://naforum.zapodaj.net/thumbs/531d1f4b5df5.jpg If {type of train is Express} and {late more e.g. 10 min.} and {signal S1 blocked} (by earlier train) then route applies IT-2. else route applies IT-1. No problem to...
von Pablo
Freitag 17. April 2020, 15:44
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Hello, Thank you very much for helping. The problem coincided with the replacement of the monitor form 22 to 27". A few days ago I changed the settings (accidental) in the nVidia panel and install monitor drivers and about 3 days program still was working. Last night due to a power outage, the ...
von Pablo
Montag 6. April 2020, 11:49
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Hello. I've had a problem with the b400b5 and 5a - program closing for some time. It happens in completely random places and times (even during stop sim). Sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after 3 hours. Earlier I did a reinstallation of the system and I was convinced that my nt3 file was somehow...
von Pablo
Freitag 1. November 2019, 22:19
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Yes, you are right. Delete the stopped train (on the right side - not visible on video) seems to solve the problem. But I'll check it out tomorrow.
Thank you very much for helping.
Best Regards
von Pablo
Freitag 1. November 2019, 21:19
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Guten Abend :) I find where the problem is. The delete route is only accident. I suppose the problem exist in graphics elements. Everything ok when empty places and in small view. Error starting when I trying make normal view with graphics elements. Please look at video: https://naforum.zapodaj.net/...
von Pablo
Donnerstag 31. Oktober 2019, 11:00
Forum: BETA-Versionen
Thema: BAHN 4.00 Beta5
Antworten: 24
Zugriffe: 75453

Re: BAHN 4.00 Beta5

Hi, I have two problems (sorry for English): 1. Error: Trace ZSTE.T900-3. This is happening after delete route from turnout and after choose place from the list (stored cursor position). 2. In this version not possible to use arrow/Pgup/Pgdw keys to change minutes in Timing Point. Now number change ...
von Pablo
Samstag 29. April 2017, 10:16
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: BAHN400-Beta4c problem
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 21318

Re: BAHN400-Beta4c problem

Hello again.
Little update. The problem with speed status bar exist in Windows 8 and 10 (32/64). No problem in Win 7/32, Vista, XP. I've just installed these systems.
Maybe it's help resolve problem.

von Pablo
Samstag 8. April 2017, 20:48
Forum: International Users of BAHN
Thema: BAHN400-Beta4c problem
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 21318

Re: BAHN400-Beta4c problem

Guten Abend/Good Evening I don't want to start now topic, I ask here. Is anybody have problem with bahn and Windows 10 - exactly the problem with speed of cursor (bar) in windows "Stored cursor position" and "Messages". I used earlier Vista was OK. Now, in Win 10/64 bit, bar chan...
von Pablo
Samstag 20. September 2014, 20:20
Forum: Probleme und Fehlermeldungen
Thema: Datenfehler mit der 4.00b3
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 15280

Re: Datenfehler mit der 4.00b3

Thanks a lot for answer. Maybe its helping another who loosing yours layout.
In this version exist problem with copy. In origin file, timing points and turnouts have got data, but it disappear during the copy.
Exactly - data from t-p and turnouts not saved in file.
