More of a wish than a problem.

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Beiträge: 58
Registriert: Mittwoch 4. Mai 2005, 16:10
Wohnort: Tirphil, Wales

More of a wish than a problem.

Beitrag von DW »

Now I've worked out what to do, this is not really a problem, but it is inelegant and annoying.

Roads with tramways on them can be used by buses (road) as well as trams (track) almost without exception. The problem comes when buses do not recognise end-of-line.


It is ugly and inelegant when a bus route and a tream route terminate in the same place.
Beiträge: 840
Registriert: Dienstag 25. März 2003, 21:31
Wohnort: Hungen

Re: More of a wish than a problem.

Beitrag von Eberhard »

Take your version 2 and set all bus routes that are supposed to turn as "rail vehicles", short before they reach the turning place. Don't forget to turn them back to "road vehicles" as soon as they leave the turning place.
Music was my first love and it will be my last. (John Miles - Music)
Mich kann man (meist ab 22:00 Uhr) auf hören. Ich würde mich freuen, mal den einen oder anderen von euch dort begrüßen zu dürfen.
Christopher Spies
Beiträge: 246
Registriert: Mittwoch 26. Januar 2005, 16:11

Re: More of a wish than a problem.

Beitrag von Christopher Spies »

Why does version 3 above not work? Is that a bug in BAHN?
(I have never tried the scenario above...)

- Christopher
Beiträge: 228
Registriert: Montag 8. Dezember 2003, 20:50
Wohnort: Zwolle (NL)

Re: More of a wish than a problem.

Beitrag von Bastiaan »

Version 3 and 4 work the same as putting a buffer stop behind a crossing. Road vehicles with "keep free crossings" turned on will cause the error "Line is interrupted". Wenn you turn "keep free crossings" off, the problem will be solved.

Zuletzt geändert von Bastiaan am Freitag 19. Mai 2006, 19:15, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Niederländische Grafiken für BAHN -- Jetzt nicht mehr auf DutchBahn, aber auf!
Beiträge: 1989
Registriert: Freitag 18. Februar 2005, 12:50
Wohnort: Marbach am Neckar

Re: More of a wish than a problem.

Beitrag von micha88 »

A very simple solution of this problem:

Replace the end of lines (Streckenenden/Prellböcke) with shunting points (Rangierpunkte)