1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

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Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Chris hat geschrieben:Here in the vestiges of the Empire, they go on strike so frequently it's become a running joke - "The Tube's on strike - must be Friday ..."
sounds a little bit French, where a national strike is the usual introduction to collective bargaining of any kind. :D Compare this to Germany, where this – like everything else – is very well regulated and the yearly bargaining contains usually only a few hours of warning strike.
Tradition around here for fast service in the peaks is generally to run them with fewer stops to leave as much room for extra stopping services as possible.
We don't have much experience with this level of overcrowding on the slots for passenger trains, since we spread the population of 14 mios. between Berlin, Hamburg and the very polycentrical Rhine-Ruhr area.
How far west would IR110/D110 run?
IR110 had a temporary terminus at Minowh until I cut it to Ayr temporarily. I'm planning to extend it westwards beyond Minowh, maybe Oban – St. John's or Clapham Junction – Bromley – …. D110 will terminate at Ardrossan. Or maybe Minowh, for better connections.
Turns out there are only three stations between Dorfield and Cornford, so the local service can be all-stations.
Then you should open a few more stations to increase the difference between fast and slow trains. :wink:

:arrow: S-Bahn-like service inside Perth :!:
:arrow: Regional/semi-fast train to Tattenhoe with four intermediate stations until the border :?:
:arrow: Fast train to Dorfield (sans n)/Cornford :?:

(You renamed the “District of Hartsmere” to “District sans n”?)
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Chris »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:Then you should open a few more stations to increase the difference between fast and slow trains. :wink:
Fast trains: 180km/h. Slow trains: 120-140km/h + 4 stops. Need more difference? :P

My rough plans had been:
  • IC/IR services on route 110
  • Semi-fast services; all stations to Cornford, then fast to Medford
  • Stopping services Perth/Dorfield - Cornford
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »


the Teamwork left my mailbox with a little delay. Besides the announced mainlines, a few new small towns popped up on the map, with a radial branchline to connect some of them to Perth and a tangential line connecting them to each other.
Chris hat geschrieben:My rough plans had been:
  • IC/IR services on route 110
IC is already running and IR will cross the border :19/:49 (eastwards) and :11/:41 (westward, ho!) when it starts service.
  • Semi-fast services; all stations to Cornford, then fast to Medford
SC-F74 route is created, but not yet entered at any switches.
  • Stopping services Perth/Dorfield - Cornford
SC-R74 route is created, but not yet entered at any switches. The red and gray Austrian double-deck trains would fit nice into Perth's stations. :roll: Or maybe the white-green-gray CAT trains of Cornhills Area Transport? :wink:

Did I see it correctly, that slow as well as fast services would serve all stations between the border and Cornford? an we expect any additional stations for slow trains in the near future?

And then there is SC-U74 which turns right immediately before the border.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Chris »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:Did I see it correctly, that slow as well as fast services would serve all stations between the border and Cornford?
Other than the IC/IR services, yes, pretty much all the local trains would make all five stops between Perth and Cornford. None of the intermediate towns are really big enough to justify an even more fine-grained stopping pattern.
Can we expect any additional stations for slow trains in the near future?
Not that far out into the country, no. ;)
There are some other lines not yet built, though. There may also be other stations on the far side of the border that haven't appeared yet, which is not a matter for Hartsmere District Council or the Silurian government to decide ...

As for the collisions, check to see if a rogue join has taken place. An overlong train would potentially cause the counter to be out by one (one vehicle would enter the platform and -1 the counter without a +1 as it leaves), resulting in a race condition in the counter which could allow two trains to enter the section at the same time.
Beiträge: 349
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von 1993matias »

I may not be able to build all what I've planned due to a broken charger (I'm on a laptop). I will try to fix it and make the work as much as possible :)

Have a nice Easter everyone!
Beiträge: 349
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Sascha, you are free to use this date, as I am not able to use my computer.

I will be able to build when I have my time again though :)
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

1993matias hat geschrieben:Sascha, you are free to use this date, as I am not able to use my computer.
so be it, then. The first regular IR110 has just torn the ribbon at East Wycombe General station and is now heading towards his temporary turning track in the District of Hartsmere. People were applauding and delegations from all intermediate stops slaughtered the buffet, not recognizing that the train has reversed at the new stop, now with the engine facing the bumper in Medford. (And the timetable for the existing C-IR110E needs to be reworked, it arrives a half minute too late at the border. :wink: ) Stations served so far are:
  • Ayr / Inbhir Àir
  • Kilmarnock / Cill Mhearnáig
  • Lipsia=Euston (Lipsia North)
  • Lipsia Main Station [IC]
  • Lipsia=Dunsborough (Lipsia East)
  • Bunbury
  • Collie ↔
  • Stanley
  • Baldivis (Perth West)
  • Perth Old Town [IC]
  • Perth New Town [IC]
  • East Wycombe General (Perth East)
  • ↓ … to be continued … ↓
Now I'm going to do the regional/semi-fast/fast trains.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von Chris »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:not recognizing that the train has reversed at the new stop, now with the engine facing the bumper in Medford.
Then the engine is on the wrong end. ;)
(And the timetable for the existing C-IR110E needs to be reworked, it arrives a half minute too late at the border. :wink: )
In which case you're expecting them far too early. :lol:
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Hello & Happy Easter,
Chris hat geschrieben:
Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:not recognizing that the train has reversed at the new stop, now with the engine facing the bumper in Medford.
Then the engine is on the wrong end. ;)
people will be used to this, since it's the same with IC110. It has the advantage that 1st class passengers have a shorter walk. And it's at the correct end for Lipsia and Collie. :P
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »


I'm currently squeezing No. 269 of our BAHN Teamwork Project into the line. It is a little bit late, I hope Chris didn't already miss it. Some trains are running on the branch from Boothsbank to Boothshall and Clowes, with a placeholder train as timetable proposal for traffic to Chris. In case he extends this line, I would strongly appreciate a 30min interval to Boothshall which, combined with the existing 30min interval south of Clowes, would result in an 15min interval between Clowes and Boothshall. Timed connections to SC-IR112 to and from both directions would be given as reward. :)

A lot of trackwork has been done in Perth: Local tracks were laid through both stations and a new City railway was opened for traffic. It got a new alignment in the middle of the runway of Perth Airport, which was converted into an ecological housing estate after passengers shifted to the railway.

Fast and Semi-Fast trains are running from Perth to a temporary turning facility at the border. F74 (fast) leaves :59/:14/:29/:44 and is expected back :01/:16/:31/:46; R74 (semi-fast) leaves :51/:06/:21/:36 and is expected back :09/:24/:39/:54. The latter serves all (four) stops in Perth; both routes form a nice 7½min interval when servicing the same stops in Siluria.
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von Chris »

Trains at Castle Street effectively pusherd back 10min. Your IR110 is too long. At Castle Street, it lies foul of the (eventual) signal in platforms 17 and 19, and at Cornford General it fouls the points on the entrance to platform 1 preventing the ICL from passing it.

Code: Alles auswählen

             IC110  IR110  IC110  IR110
E. Wycombe   XX/08  XXd21  XX/38  XXd51
Tattenhoe    XX/10  XX/24  XX/40  XX/54
Dorfield     XX/14  XX:32  XX/44  XX:02
Beckwood     XX/20  XX/39  XX/50  XX/09
Cornford G   XX:28  XX:47  XX:58  XX:17
Maverton     XX/33  XX:58  XX/03  XX:28
Hopford J    XXs37  XXs03  XXs07  XXs33
Inglestone   XX/43  XX/09  XX/13  XX/39
Medford CS   XX:54  XX:20  XX:24  XX:50

Medford CS   XX:10  XX:20  XX:40  XX:50       
Inglestone   XX/19  XX/29  XX/49  XX/59      
Hopford J    XXu26  XXu36  XXu56  XXu06       
Maverton     XX/29  XX:44  XX/59  XX:14       
Cornford G   XX:38  XX:53  XX:08  XX:23       
Beckwood     XX/42  XX/57  XX/12  XX/27       
Dorfield     XX/47  XX:08  XX/17  XX:38       
Tattenhoe    XX/52  XX/14  XX/22  XX/44
E. Wycombe   XX/53  XXa16  XX/23  XXa46
IC times are +1min at East Wycombe, which probably accounts for the acceleration time from the TP there. IR times don't match up, but if you want the IC at 23/53, you can't have the IR at 08/38, because the departures at Medford would be too close. Eventually, there will be IC/IR departures from Castle Street every 5 minutes, without consecutive departures on the same route. (At one stage, the service from my local station was two trains each hour - the local service a:xx25 d:xx33, and the IC starting there at xx30. That's very annoying.)

The double-deck coaching stock on 74 does not meet SR's current accessibility requirements. While SR Engineering are prepared to authorise the use of the IC2000 coaching stock on IC110, this is on the basis that most of them have doors at the higher platform level, and that the three stations at which they stop are all permanently staffed, meaning that passengers needing assistance in boarding are able to do so. As the stock on 74 only has passenger doors below platform level, and the local stations between Cornford and Perth are part-time staffed or unstaffed, they cannot operate there, especially not in 200m long formations. There's also no real need for operating a train with a capacity of 1500 people 8 times per hour when some of the places served by the line have a population of only 3000-4000, but that's another matter. ;-)
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Chris hat geschrieben:Your IR110 is too long. At Castle Street, it lies foul of the (eventual) signal in platforms 17 and 19, and at Cornford General it fouls the points on the entrance to platform 1 preventing the ICL from passing it.
so I have to use the double-deck coaches in my invented BLS livery to allow for shorter trains. Same length as IC110?
IR times don't match up, but if you want the IC at 23/53, you can't have the IR at 08/38, because the departures at Medford would be too close.
*hm* ... not good. If IR arrives later, it either has to skip the stop at East Wycombe in this direction, causing confusion, or miss its timed connections at Perth, causing anger.
The double-deck coaching stock on 74 does not meet SR's current accessibility requirements. While SR Engineering are prepared to authorise the use of the IC2000 coaching stock on IC110, this is on the basis that most of them have doors at the higher platform level,
IC2000 stock has doors at the lower level, 55cm above rail head. :wink: .oO(SR... I think of 705V= 3rd rail when I read this acronym)

For the 74, fortunately GKB operates double-deck cars with doors at the "intermediate" level, would this fit your platforms?
There's also no real need for operating a train with a capacity of 1500 people 8 times per hour when some of the places served by the line have a population of only 3000-4000, but that's another matter. ;-)
I expected something like this. :D Would something like 1 fast train per hour + 1 semi-fast train per hour, forming an 30min interval in Perth, better fit your needs?
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Chris »

Sascha Claus hat geschrieben:Hello,
so I have to use the double-deck coaches in my invented BLS livery to allow for shorter trains. Same length as IC110?
You could do. Or you could just use shorter trains. Loco + DVT + 12 is a bit much ;-) My Ersatz-IR110 were Loco + DVT + 10, IIRC - which holds something like 600 passengers.
*hm* ... not good. If IR arrives later, it either has to skip the stop at East Wycombe in this direction, causing confusion, or miss its timed connections at Perth, causing anger.
Not sure what else to do, other than add/remove stops, and ideally I don't want things getting in the way of a VHF IC/IR timetable when the time comes.
IC2000 stock has doors at the lower level, 55cm above rail head. :wink:
Some of the graphics looks like they might have had them at 75cm-ish. Maybe those weren't doors I was looking at ... Either way, those stations are major, and are always staffed, so passengers needing assistance to climb to the higher platform level will always get it. :)
For the 74, fortunately GKB operates double-deck cars with doors at the "intermediate" level, would this fit your platforms?
If I'm honest, for the small stations west of the border, I'm thinking that single-deck provides enough capacity for shorter dwell time. Should be no capacity issues on your end on the fast service, as those would not call at the stations between East Wycombe and Perth. For the Cornford - Perth service (all stations to East Wycombe, fast to Perth), I'm thinking that one Class 350 would do the job. Looking at the size of them, I would expect that the main stations in Perth are also staffed during operating hours, and being only 80m long, it's easy for the TM to provide assistance to passengers that need it. It's also got an end door (so potentially 12 cars with one TM), accelerates quickly, and reaches 100mph. Brief reminder: I am moving the entire service at Castle Street by 10 minutes to accomodate IC110 ;)
I expected something like this. :D Would something like 1 fast train per hour + 1 semi-fast train per hour, forming an 30min interval in Perth, better fit your needs?
I'll experiment for a bit more, and see what fits.
Sascha Claus
Beiträge: 1930
Registriert: Montag 17. März 2003, 20:15
Wohnort: Leipzig bei P-Town, Nabel der Welt

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project

Beitrag von Sascha Claus »

Chris hat geschrieben:You could do. Or you could just use shorter trains. Loco + DVT + 12 is a bit much ;-) My Ersatz-IR110 were Loco + DVT + 10, IIRC - which holds something like 600 passengers.
single deck stock will be found in the additional rush-hour trains of D110. And since the cab car contains passenger seats like an ordinary car, wouldn't DBSO be the better term? :roll:
*hm* ... not good. If IR arrives later, it either has to skip the stop at East Wycombe in this direction, causing confusion, or miss its timed connections at Perth, causing anger.
Not sure what else to do, other than add/remove stops, and ideally I don't want things getting in the way of a VHF IC/IR timetable when the time comes.
You could take the joker. IR110 waits in Perth Old Town (the western station) until :07/:37 and IR112 waits in New Town (the eastern one) until :07/:37. If I swap these, IR would leave East Wycombe :15/:45 and expected back … guess! :15/:45.

If I reduce the stopping time there to only 2 or 3 minutes, this would fit rather good to your westward timetable. I hope, it doesn't screw up the eastward one.
[…] I'm thinking that one Class 350 would do the job.
Since the larger part of the route will be in Siluria, I'm quite happy with your choice. Will SR provide the stock and operate the trains? Then I'll provide some tracks for overnight stabling.
Looking at the size of them, I would expect that the main stations in Perth are also staffed during operating hours, and being only 80m long, it's easy for the TM to provide assistance to passengers that need it.
And given the amount of platforms and their length at the main stations, it is possible to provide high-level platforms at all stops. (A new usage for the “High Level” and “Low Level” station names :D )
Brief reminder: I am moving the entire service at Castle Street by 10 minutes to accomodate IC110 ;)
So it is, the veryveryvery important intercity traffic plows its path through all local trains' timetables, because it is so important! ;)
Make America Great Again? Make Climate Greta!
Am faulsten sind die Parlamente, die am stärksten besetzt sind. —Sir Winston Leonard Spencer 'Winnie' Churchill ***
[heute 20:57:22] yenz: der sascha, siggileiin, weiss alles, man versteht ihn bloß nie
Beiträge: 175
Registriert: Donnerstag 24. Mai 2007, 03:26
Wohnort: Cardiff

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von Chris »

A local service is running between Cornford and the border - with alternate trains continuing to Medford.

Traffic in SN at one junction was deadlocked, resulting in around 90 "vehicle blocked" mesages appearing in the buffer as soon as it was cleared. Enabled "keep crossings clear" to deal with it. The traffic has now cleared to just a few reasonable queues.

A side-effect of all those blockages was that a collision was not reported because the message buffer was full. Unfortunately, it appears that Lipsia can't cope with a train running a few minutes late ( :roll: ), because this led to a whole bunch of trains snarled up at the entrance - no actual collision, so the simulation didn't stop. Now, IC110 can't recover because the bottleneck at Ardrossan is preventing it, and whenever a train does make it through, a local train ploughs into it on the single-line section. Worse, IR120 and IC102 collided at Corden, the offending trains are stopped, and traffic is blocking back. The ICL seems to be off, because somewhere, an IC110 ran into it.

Looks like I'll have to do the extra stuff I wanted to do during yenz' next slot (*hint Sascha*).