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Sample network:
The level crossing gates depend on the signal system LC.
The signals H1 and H2 have itineraries which trigger the level crossing and the signal functions depend on it.
The stopping point is set in the advanced properties to book a train for SIG1 30 seconds before departure and wait for H1.
The properies for SIG1 set H1 when requested. The stopping point requests the route 30 seconds before the train is due to leave. The signalling system has a delay of 20 seconds. The result of his is that the crossing is engaged 30 seconds before departure, and 20 seconds later the signal clears. A contact on the far side of the crossing releases the barriers once the back of the train has passed.
In the opposite direction, the train requests SIG2 on approach, the crossing is engaged and 20 seconds later signal H2 clears. The signal itinerary across the crossing in both directions is released when the train passes the next signals H3/H4.
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