1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Hier ist Platz für alle Diskussionen und Kontakte zu Teamwork-Projekten und Wandernetzen!
Beiträge: 340
Registriert: Dienstag 20. Januar 2009, 18:53
Wohnort: Dänemark

Re: 1st English Teamwork Project (Für Mitbauer)

Beitrag von 1993matias »

Dierk Nüchtern hat geschrieben:Hello together,

after a long time, I would like to restart my work in this teamwork. Is it possible? If I know, the city I had build ist still in the network?
Guten Abend :)

There has been no takeovers in the past couple of years, I would imagine you can find your area exactly as you left it. Should I mail you the latest layout I have on my mail?