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Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 10:25
von Pablo
Is possible to made a overtaking of delayed trains as shown in the picture?
If {type of train is Express} and {late more e.g. 10 min.} and {signal S1 blocked} (by earlier train) then route applies IT-2.
route applies IT-1.
No problem to do it, but if train delayed always valid IT-2. I can't addict itenaries IT-1 with S1 because not possible to get requirement (late>1:10 and s=!.... ).
There is a solution?
Best Regards
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 11:29
von Seb144
Pablo hat geschrieben:Hello,
Is possible to made a overtaking of delayed trains as shown in the picture?
If {type of train is Express} and {late more e.g. 10 min.} and {signal S1 blocked} (by earlier train) then route applies IT-2.
route applies IT-1.
No problem to do it, but if train delayed always valid IT-2. I can't addict itenaries IT-1 with S1 because not possible to get requirement (late>1:10 and s=!.... ).
There is a solution?
Best Regards
Hello Pablo,
yes there is. It's describe in the itenary tutorial (Fahrstraßentutorial), but the explanations are in German only. Please see ... 514#p65527.
Trains can overtake other trains (e. g. an express train can overtake a freight train), only this solution doesn't depend on delays.
The principle is basically as follows: If Train2 is on time there should be enough distance to Ex1 so it won't be overtaken, if Train2 is running just before Ex1 due to a delay it will be overtaken. So in your example applying the method described would require that you would have to list all express trains in a switch contact (e. g. EX1) and all trains that can be overtaken (e.g. Train2) have to be listed in another. Then you create the itenaries as decribed in the tutorial.
If you need an English version of that part of the tutorial this might take a little time.
Berlin und Umgebung im Jahr 1989
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 11:34
von Pablo
Could you please give me little part sim where its working? Or where to look for it (in working sim). That should be enough for me to start with.
Thank a lot for helping.
Best Regards.
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 12:17
von Seb144
Pablo hat geschrieben:Could you please give me little part sim where its working? Or where to look for it (in working sim). That should be enough for me to start with.
Thank a lot for helping.
Best Regards.
Hi Pablo,
just download the layout you find on the website and go to cursor postion 55.
Berlin und Umgebung im Jahr 1989
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 12:38
von Pablo
Thanks. I found it.
By the way - can you tell me: which means "-" at timing point instead route?
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 12:44
von Seb144
Pablo hat geschrieben:Thanks. I found it.
By the way - can you tell me: which means "-" at timing point instead route?
"-" and "--" are just routes with no trains assigned. I usually use them to seperate routes for different directions if a timing point, data changing point etc. works both directions to increase clarity.
Re: Overtaking of delayed trains
Verfasst: Sonntag 19. April 2020, 21:55
von Pablo
Thank you very much for showing me the example. It wasn't easy, but it worked